IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT WEB ADVENTURES GAMES: As of January 12th, 2021, the Flash plugin no longer works in browsers.
Not to worry. Our team has created a Flash Game Archive. There you will find instructions on how to download the standalone Flash Player,
along with links to download all games within the Web Adventures catalog and play them offline.
( Uncommon Scents: [ All | Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 ] )

Several employees were admitted to the hospital after a chemical spill at a local factory. What chemical was it? How did it affect the workers? And what is wrong with Daryz, the employee whose symptoms don’t quite fit to the spill?

As a Reconstructor agent working for the Neuropolis Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA), it’s your job to investigate the accident – and uncover the truth about air pollution in Neuropolis.

Disease Defenders
Episode 1
Disease Defenders
Episode 2
Disease Defenders
Episode 3
Ep 1 - Materials Play Episode 1 Episode 1 Materials Ep 3 - Materials Play Episode 1 Episode 2 Materials

Ep 3 - Materials Play Episode 1 Episode 3 Materials